Jiangmeng Li (李江梦)

Science & Technology on Integrated Information System Laboratory
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
4#  South  Fourth Street, Zhong Guan Cun
Haidian District, Beijing
Email: jiangmeng{at}iscas{dot}ac{dot}cn

My research interests center on Machine Learning, such as Self-Supervised Learning, Domain Generalization, Graph Learning, Causal Inference, Information Theory, Transfer Learning, Meta Learning, Few-Shot Learning, Manifold Learning.

* denotes the co-first author, and | denotes the corresponding author.

Membership: AAAI Member, CSIG Member, CCIC Member.
Program Committee Members: NeurIPS, ICML, AAAI, IJCAI, CVPR, ECAI, etc.
Journal Official Reviewer: IEEE TPAMI, Elsevier KBS, Springer MVAP.
Journal Leading Section Editor: IMA.

China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Grant No. 2024M753356 (2024)
Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, Grant No. GZC20232812 (2023)
Special Research Assistant Grant Project (2023)

Beijing Outstanding Graduates for Ph.D (2023)
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Outstanding Graduates for Ph.D (2023)
President Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences Candidate (2023)
National Scholarship for Doctoral Candidate (2022)
NYU Dean's Scholarship Candidate (2018)

Last updated: Jul 25th, 2024